Imagine you take your mother to a hospital and the doctor saying that you have two options. You can either stop the progression of her death, or you can kill her slowly. You were given with two clear choices and choose the one to slowly kill her. How would you feel? Is it the right thing to kill her slowly as you already know she is going to die? Well, people are doing the same thing to Mother Nature. Even after knowing all the harmful facts, humans let the feeling of greed to take over. We use her, torture her, and are slowly killing her. When someone raises their voice against the mass, they are stamped as someone with a mental disorder. How long will Mother Nature tolerate the ignorance of mankind? We have witnessed her fearful nature multiple times in the past, and are expecting more in the future. The fearfulness was greater with every time she got angry. What awaits for us in the future depends on how we are willing to treat her.